First Outfit Post


Hey guys! I was shooting an outfit post for my sister this morning when she decided to take the camera and shoot some photos of me too!







TOP: Forever21

SKIRT: Forever21


BAG: Nine West (via T.J. Maxx)

SHOESNine West (via T.J. Maxx)


I loved doing this shoot! It was so much fun 🙂 Hope you guys enjoy it and thanks for reading!!




27 days!

27 days! I can’t believe that’s all I have left until I go abroad! Thanks to my college’s (Muhlenberg’s) awesome study abroad program I will be living in Florence, Italy for 3 1/2 months. All I can think about is how much I have to do! I have packed and unpacked a mock suitcase about 7 times at this point and it changes every time. I have a funny feeling I will be adding and subtracting things at the last moment and making the obligatory last minute run to CVS. Thankfully, with the help of my twin sister, Kristen, I have gotten the issue of clothing under control. I have a knack for overpacking (what girl doesn’t?) so it will be interesting to see how I am going to fit 3 1/2 months worth of clothes/beauty products/shoes/electronics etc. in 2 suitcases, a carry on, and my purse 😛 Hopefully it won’t be a repeat of the Disney trip I took the summer after my senior year of high school…

All mine…. and this was only for 1 1/2 weeks…

But, despite all the stress that is surrounding this trip, I couldn’t be more excited! This will be my first time on a plane, my first time in a different country, my first time missing Thanksgiving (not to mention Black Friday Shopping!), and the longest I have ever been away from my parents/brothers. I am really going to miss them but my sister will be studying abroad with an intensive, conservatory-style theatre program in Arezzo, Italy about 45 minutes away! If it wasn’t for Skype I think I would be going insane right about now hahaha I will be posting packing necessities soon but if anyone has any questions about tips, feel free to email me!

xx Kim